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Constructing a domestic cold water system in a condominium requires careful planning and precise execution. The system must be designed to meet the unique needs of a multi-unit building while adhering to all local building codes and regulations. The first step in the process is to assess the water supply and distribution requirements of the building, taking into account factors such as the number of units, the types of fixtures and appliances, and the water pressure needed to support them.

Next, the design team will create a detailed plan for the cold water system, including the placement of pipes, valves, pumps, and other components. The installation process will involve cutting into walls and floors, running pipes and fittings, and testing the system to ensure it is functioning correctly.

Once the system is installed, it will require regular maintenance and repair to keep it in good working order. This may include routine inspections, cleaning and flushing of pipes, and repairs or replacements of damaged or worn components.

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